About Adventures In The Kitchen

about Adventures In The Kitchen

Adventures In the Kitchen creates customized programs and events for corporations and private companies. Our clients have found that our specialized approach is a fun and engaging way to build skills and relationships among their employees.

Chef Liefeld, our founder,  will work with you to develop an event that will challenge and inspire your employees, and help them forge a lasting rapport with one another. Our staff is dedicated to designing a special program for your group, from menu planning through the grand finale-the joy of dining together on the sumptuous meal your team has created.

We operate at of several venues in Orange County and Los Angeles. Our locations can accommodate groups from 10 to 60.

So whether you are looking for an exciting venue to hold a meeting, or looking for a unique team building program to foster relationships for your employees or managers, booking an event at Adventures In the Kitchen Cooking School will not only be enjoyed—it will jump-start connections that will endure.